Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today is unremarkable

Its Wednesday. I'm tired. I need a photo for today's post. I go get some lunch and because I want to just get out and away from work for a few minutes, wandering around in the sunlight does me good. Makes me feel free. But what the heck can I find to photograph? So I sit in my car in a totally different spot than usual and eat my sandwich. I figure a new perspective will inspire me. But this is my work neighborhood. I've seen it every day for the past 10.5 years. I know its every nook and cranny. This will be a find a new needle in this haystack. I difficult is it to see the remarkable in the ordinary...the everyday ordinary? I know that there is beauty in the ordinary. Can I take a photo of the same thing every day and still be surprised? I think its possible. This photo-a-day thing will be a challenge because I'm so ingrained in my routine. Especially now that it gets dark so early. But what I ask myself is not what did I see today. I ask myself what did I not see? And I yearn for another chance to go back and look. But that's why the present is precious. I yearn for the remarkable.

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