Sunday, January 31, 2010

Amassing an army for love...

Fulfilling a valentine order. Word.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The day finally arrived

I knew it was coming. This day. This day when I didn't see anything worth photographing. So here it is people. Self-fulfilling prophecy, maybe.  But its something. Eat fresh.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Shuffle the cards and cut them to the right....

We just happened to sit at the table with the "indoor" set of the
tay-roe cards. (Puhleeze don't take them out on the patio for God's sake). Luckily the cute boy humors me.

A great ending to a taxing week...

A cup of chai tea at one of my favorite digs and a cute boy. Awesome.  Cute boy not pictured as requested.

Lets all say it together now...


Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm fortoonate

I'm a lover of the asian persuasion food.  I expessssially love the fortoon cookies.  However, when you eat as many as I do, the statement cookies aren't so special. Note...I'm not superstitious either.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stone cold

Today was national statuary day.  Uh-huh!

Delivering the goods

Peace out, people.

Monday, January 25, 2010


This is Patty. She's pink. She has lots of energy and then she just stops. Not unlike me most days. You go girl.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Her Nieceness, Samantha

My niece is a pretty cool kid. She was cool enough to share her worship pop with me. Cool.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Hot chocolate. Check. Couch. Check. Kitty snuggled adjacent. Check. Old movie on tv. Check. Ahhhhh

These people just look uncomfortable

Come on Macy's. Step it up a notch. Its not like they won't cooperate with you. The one on the right looks like she lost her finger when you removed the handcuffs. We expect more from such an upscale establishment.

The mall...she is pretty, no?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Textures of home

Homes can be all textury 'n stuff. I like it.

Houston, we have lift-off

Origination, bathroom floor.  Destination, bathroom sink.  Roger that.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Violence in the workplace...

This is what I must put up with every day. PLEASE NOTE:  This is a
re-enactment. Don't try this at home. You'll put someone's eye out with that iphone.


Okay, this was just noteworthy because it was so odd.  I saw this in a restaurant while waiting for my food.  Poo Pourri. Really?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bird on a wire

I'm fascinated by all the birds that sit on the wires...the way they space themselves succinctly when another bird flies up and lands on the wire.  It's rare to see just one all alone.  I feel ya, little fella.

My brain in lights

Representing my brain at 6:00pm today. I need a break.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My little piece of peace

Zen crane and candle, you made me feel a little more peaceful today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh, shut it!

Today was not easy. Computer mishap after computer mishap. Too much to do and no computer to do it with. Ugh. Shut up little red're mocking me and I'm done.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


The, lunch, a little light shopping. Always a good time. Photo ops galore, even if you're not people watching. Kelly changed her name to Lucy, Vicki and Hello Kitty are best friends and I have now enjoyed Whichwich. I feel complete.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Not pretty in the 70's to anyone except a 10 year old girl and certainly not pretty in the millenium. I don't even know what that thing around her waist is. Somehow the allure is lost now that disco isn't king. Where are my rollerskates?


Yes, people....right here in my back yard. Elvis lives. Caliente!

Lady're looking a little tacky

But there you are in all your glory...flag 'n all...with your buddy out there singing in the garage. I don't know why this struck me as odd but it did...Vicki and I had a good giggle. Go team America!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Star light, star bright...

Star light, star bright, please make my hot chocolate come out right.


Because it was there and it was interesting. Thats why. I might start a blog called "what is it?"

Waiting for hot chocolate

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Me and Jenny Smith. When offered hot chocolate via Swiss Miss and a hot water from another eatery, we passed. They didn't have whip cream either. Shame. Waiting and a bread stick. Me and Jenny Smith.

Wanna play?

Frisbee huh? Not my game. You seem kinda stiff anyway. But you're hair's cool and you been around these parts for quite a while. Maybe another day.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Lets not...and say we did. And I personally think they should put a decimal in the price. Lets not leave that to chance.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Insane Cranes

So when the a/c kicks on in the office, the cranes go nuts...twirling, whirling, swirling and all that other "irling" stuff. AND they do it horizontally in a straight line. Amazing.

Hi, stack.

Whatcha doin', stack? Whatcha got hidin' in there? You intrigue me, all textury 'n stuff. To everyone else, your a stack. To me, your a riddle, wrapped in an enigma. I know, I have a vivid imagination.

Today is unremarkable

Its Wednesday. I'm tired. I need a photo for today's post. I go get some lunch and because I want to just get out and away from work for a few minutes, wandering around in the sunlight does me good. Makes me feel free. But what the heck can I find to photograph? So I sit in my car in a totally different spot than usual and eat my sandwich. I figure a new perspective will inspire me. But this is my work neighborhood. I've seen it every day for the past 10.5 years. I know its every nook and cranny. This will be a find a new needle in this haystack. I difficult is it to see the remarkable in the ordinary...the everyday ordinary? I know that there is beauty in the ordinary. Can I take a photo of the same thing every day and still be surprised? I think its possible. This photo-a-day thing will be a challenge because I'm so ingrained in my routine. Especially now that it gets dark so early. But what I ask myself is not what did I see today. I ask myself what did I not see? And I yearn for another chance to go back and look. But that's why the present is precious. I yearn for the remarkable.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am Atticus

I see you. You see me. I see me. I see them. Wait. What?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Turning a page

This is my cousin. We had dinner tonite at "the crying restaurant", so dubbed because in this past year, it seemed like more often than not, someone in our two- or three-person party would invariably end up crying during conversation. Today, she declared no more crying in 2010. If a tear is shed, it will only be because the tofu is so fantastic. Sweet. No more sour.

Peaceful place

So I've now settled into my new digs at the office next to my new best friend...a large window. My cranes now have a view and I can enjoy the late afternoon sun when it comes in the favorite part. Love.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My moon...

More curiousness...esss...esss...esss

Boots, baubles, bingo and broken dolls. And dolls. And dolls. And dolls. I feel a shudder from someone out there. Good times. I did glance longingly at the old Teen Beat magazine of my youth with multiple Donny Osmond poster potential. Alas, $5 for Donny was not a bargain. Sorry 11 year old Sherry.

Mary and her Curiosities

I like stuff. I really like new stuff. But I'm more fascinated by old stuff. Visited Curiosities over in Lakewood Village today. If you have a freakish aversion to dolls, you might want to go someplace else...however, if you're even a wee bit curious in general, take a step in. Its worth it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cupcake, your name is Coconut!

Hello pretty, glittery piece of sweet pinkness in all your glorious coconut-ness! I adore you. Although sweet and delicious, you can't hold a candle to your Sprinkles sister, but I like you anyway. Thanks for spending a few brief moments with me today. I heart you.

You go, Flag!

Hey American Flag! You pretty piece of Betsy Ross look fabulous even while wrapped around a lamp post. Way to look relaxed and unpretentious.

My girls...

Yes, we share DNA. And we have a good time doing it.

Who is Bishop anyway?

Bishop Arts District...I like it a lot. Hopefully more art will befall the bishop. I'd like to see it fill up with more shops. Good times.

Hello Kitty...time to get crackin

A little kitty lovin' in the morning is always a treat, especially on a lazy, cold Saturday morning. If you know cats, it took numerous tries to get this photo because they have to walk around in a circle for an hour just to lay down and get comfortable. Sheesh. Lay down already. Who has that kind of time?

Because it was in my path

Took this last night...forgot to post it. I don't know either. Because it was there and because I had just consumed a very strong swirl.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Walking toward a snack bar

It has been a long day and this is where I was long around 3:00pm. A Kashi snack bar and another change to a presentation. Today was long. This week was long. But its all packed up and I'm off to have a swirl!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh metal you seduce me

Its funny, everytime I'm sitting in my boss's office and I look out her window, these metal roofs make me think I'm in another if I'm overlooking a small English town somewhere. An occasional plane will fly by and it calls me to daydream for a moment. Well today its very cold outside and yet the sun bumping off this roof looks like it would yield a warm, almost hot surface on which to sit or lay. I'm sure its just as cold as facade of the building appears to I won't be fooled, but I can imagine all day long that its not 30 degrees in Texas.

Lean are a crafty one

You managed to usurp Subway from the number one lunch position today. Good job. But don't get all puffy simply appealed to my wallet and pure practicality...oh and to the ridiculous hype I bought into that if I didn't have food with me today that it would be too cold to go outside. And I was so proud of myself for being prepared. That's a good feeling, if nothing else.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Weather update

Its moist outside. I hate the word moist. The lady who pulled up and looked at me oddly as I was taking pictures in the Tom Thumb parking lot is probably okay with that word.

My Baker Brother

My baker brother who works at Baker Brothers Deli. He sees my parents more than I do, as they regularly frequent this place. It must also be mentioned that this is not the crying restaurant.

Looking up

This made me think of a large dandelion.

A sandwich and a song. Stop laughing Jeff.

Okay, so I get that this is no artsy blog. Its more of a photo diary of what I see day to day. This is a regular sight for me. I love Subway. I don't love Jerrod. I was also blessed today with a classic 80's song by The Clash. That was a bonus! Thank you Jack! You really do play what you want. And, it turns out, what I want. Its going to be a very long year if I don't step up the photo quality. But this is my reality. Work. Lunch. Work. Home. Maybe something fascinating will happen on the way home that will call my camera forth.